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 [OST]Genso Suikoden IV

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Nombre de messages : 975
Age : 35
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Date d'inscription : 26/08/2009

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MessageSujet: [OST]Genso Suikoden IV   [OST]Genso Suikoden IV Icon_minitimeVen 18 Déc - 23:13

[OST]Genso Suikoden IV Genso_suikoden_iv_ost


Disc 1

01 - La Mer 2:58
02 - A New Journey ~Opening Theme~ (Name Entry BGM) 1:26
03 - Departure (Opening Staff Roll BGM) 1:21
04 - Arrival (Razril BGM) 1:22
05 - Battle Entry 1 (Battle Entry Jingle 1) 0:07
06 - Battle (Normal Battle BGM) 1:05
07 - Victory Theme (Battle Results Display BGM) 0:55
08 - Life of a Knight (Razril Knights BGM) 1:22
09 - Festive Night (Razril BGM : Festival Event) 1:35
10 - Gloomy Sailing (World Map BGM : Small Ship) 2:00
11 - Rollback (Tension BGM 1) 1:27
12 - Warfare on the Vast Expanse of the Sea 1 (Naval Battle BGM 1) 1:27
13 - On a Quiet Island (Deserted Island BGM) 1:39
14 - The Conversation Continues (Event Conversation BGM 2) 0:45
15 - Night on the Deserted Island (Deserted Island BGM : Nighttime) 1:36
16 - Echoes of the Sea's Roar (Deserted Island BGM : Cave) 1:07
17 - Battle Entry 2 (Battle Entry Jingle 2) 0:11
18 - A Formidable Enemy Arrives (Midboss Battle BGM) 1:21
19 - Crossing the Waves (World Map BGM : First Half of the Story) 1:32
20 - Agitpunkt Theme (Pirate Island BGM) 1:52
21 - A Certain Meeting (Eleanor's Hermitage BGM) 1:48
22 - Southern Wind (Kingdom of Obel BGM) 1:41
23 - The Significance of Heritage (Kingdom of Obel : Palace BGM) 1:43
24 - Time Stands Still (Kingdom of Obel : Ruins BGM) 2:22
25 - Stronghold 1 (Stronghold BGM : First Half of the Story) 1:37
26 - Orange-colored Scenery (Middleport BGM) 1:36
27 - Reinbach Theme 1:26
28 - A Dear Person (Event Conversation 1) 0:48
29 - Concealed Offence and Defence (Middleport BGM : Underground Dungeon) 2:04
30 - Monochrome Episode (Iluya Island BGM) 1:52
31 - Monochrome Episode ~From Amid the Rubble~ (Iluya Island BGM : Destroyed Town) 1:24
32 - Start Up (Minigame Explanation BGM) 0:50
33 - Depth in Simplicity (Minigame BGM : Coin Game) 1:06
34 - Keep Going! Finish Them Off! (Minigame BGM : Tops) 1:05
35 - The Average Cat Is Amazing! (Minigame BGM : Mice) 0:47
36 - Fanfare (Victory Jingle) 0:08
37 - Gakkuri (Defeat Jingle) 0:04

Disc 2

01 - Stronghold 2 (Stronghold BGM : Second Half of the Story) 1:52
02 - Ah, the Sparkling Sea! Ah, the Sky! (World Map BGM : Second Half of the Story) 1:44
03 - Warfare on the Vast Expanse of the Sea 2 (Naval Battle BGM 2) 1:19
04 - Creeping Shadows (Tension 2) 1:03
05 - Climb the Hill (Nay Island BGM) 1:48
06 - Nay-Kobold Village (Nay-Kobold BGM) 1:47
07 - Fated Confrontation (One-on-one Battle BGM) 1:21
08 - Celadon Sea (Na-Nal Island BGM) 1:27
09 - Magnificient Handling of a Broadsword (Mitsuba Battle BGM) 0:58
10 - Enchanting Runemistress (Jeane's Theme) 1:01
11 - Seaside Spring (Mordo Island BGM) 1:30
12 - Recitation of Repentance (Confession Event BGM) 2:02
13 - Thank the Gods (Confession Jingle) 0:11
14 - Let's go & try! (Event BGM : Lottery) 0:56
15 - Play the Rune Cards (Minigame BGM : Card Game) 1:08
16 - Ritapon (Minigame BGM : Ritapon!) 1:31
17 - The Journey's Dice-thrower (Minigame BGM : Dice Game) 1:26
18 - Treasure Hunt (Minigame BGM : Treasure Hunt) 1:24
19 - Scenery of an Unknown Island (Nameless Island BGM) 1:51
20 - Imminent Threat (Tension BGM 3) 0:50
21 - Strategy Conference (Event BGM : Strategy Conference) 1:16
22 - Palisade Melody (Fort El-Eal BGM) 2:06
23 - Orgel (Event BGM) 0:51
24 - Decisive Battle against a Corrupted Soul (Final Battle BGM) 2:33
25 - Epilogue ~ For the 108 Stars ~ (The 108 Stars Afterwards) 7:56
26 - Finale: Remembering the Blue of the Sea (Staff Roll BGM) 9:59
27 - Into a World of Illusions [Genso no Sekai e] (Ending) 3:39
28 - Clash! Again (Mint / Mushroom War BGM 1) 1:17
29 - Presentiment of Victory (Mint / Mushroom War BGM 2) 1:29
30 - Rune of Punishment

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