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 [PC] Soul Link [ENG]

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14 participants
La légende

Nombre de messages : 975
Age : 35
Localisation : dans un autre monde
Date d'inscription : 26/08/2009

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 22 Avr - 10:52

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20BS

Official Title: Soul Link
Released: 2004-12-17
Translated: 2009-12-28
Company: Navel
Translation Company: MangaGamer
2045C.E. Aizawa Shuuhei, a second year cadet enrolled in Central
Military Academy’s main division, is dispatched to the orbital space
station Aries on a training mission. There he reunites with his younger
brother, Ryouta, and his childhood friend, Nao, both of whom resided
there as cadets enrolled in the preparatory division.

Then suddenly, an unidentified space ship under the control of
Jararacas, a radical terrorist organization, attacks the Aries and
seizes control of the main control room. With all communication lines
cut off, Shuuhei and the others have no way to escape; they’re trapped.
Trapped in space, 250 miles above the Earth with nowhere to run. In the
midst of this desperate situation, the cadets must gather their courage
and rise up to take back the Aries. As they do, they draw ever closer to the fearsome truth lurking behind this incident...

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[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]


[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Shuuhei
Shuuhei Aizawa
Shuuhei is enrolled in the second year program of Central Military
Academy's main division. His grades are excellent, he's very athletic,
and the only flaw this handsome man has is his utter tactlessness. He
will never give up no matter what the situation, and he possesses the
willpower to immediately put his plans into action.

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Ryouta
Ryouta Aizawa
Ryouta is Shuuhei's younger brother and enrolled in the third year
program of Central Military Academy's preparatory division. Ryouta can
be too serious at times, but unlike his brother, he moves at his own
pace and he's very unreliable when it comes time to make decisions, but
he has a strong sense of justice.

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Nao
Nao Morisaki
Nao is enrolled in the fourth year program of Central Military Academy's
preparatory division. She is a domestic woman who loves making snacks
and enjoys hearing others compliment her cooking. She is a hard worker,
reliable, and at times she can be cunning, while at other times her cute
naivety stands out.

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Sayaka
Sayaka Nagase
Sayaka is enrolled in the third year program of Central Military
Academy's preparatory division. She is an active, outgoing girl who
clearly displays her feelings. Since she's straightforward and mindful
of others, many come to rely on her. Her goal is to be a fighter pilot
and she holds licenses to operate almost every vehicle.

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Aki
Aki Nitta
Aki is enrolled in the first year program of Central Military Academy's
preparatory division. She is intelligent enough to be called a genius
and her habit of saying one word too many in regards to everything makes
her hard to handle. She is also assertive towards her elders, making it
hard for them to approach her, but if it's someone who has proven
themselves, she is surprisingly obedient.

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Soul%20Link%20Yuu
Yuu Yamanami
Yuu is the sole civilian left aboard the Aries. She only speaks the bare
minimum and prefers to act on her own. Her cold attitude tends to rub
others the wrong way, but she doesn't necessarily have ill intentions.
She takes a farsighted view on events, so she is rarely shaken by
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L'Einherjar otaku

Nombre de messages : 1159
Localisation : Valhalla
Date d'inscription : 14/05/2010

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 22 Avr - 11:25

Servi sous un plateau.
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Mad Attracted

Nombre de messages : 98
Date d'inscription : 17/10/2010

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeSam 23 Avr - 7:29

très bon jeu, bonne histoire. je lui donne un 8/10
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[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai - 20:54

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[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai - 20:55

Dire que c'est moi qui en ait fait la requete et que je le prend que maintenant...
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 20
Date d'inscription : 02/09/2010

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeMer 18 Mai - 17:16

Merci beaucoup.
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 13/08/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 19 Aoû - 15:53

Merci Smile
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 35
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 27/01/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeLun 29 Aoû - 0:18

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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2010

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeLun 12 Sep - 11:20

merci !!!
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 35
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeDim 18 Déc - 20:04

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] 862169756
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 35
Date d'inscription : 14/04/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeDim 18 Déc - 20:06

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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 10
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeMer 28 Déc - 0:59

Je l'ai trouvé ailleurs en surfant et je viens de le terminer.
Très bon... Je le recommande Smile
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Détenteur potientiel de titre

Nombre de messages : 1613
Age : 32
Localisation : à Sakurasou
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeDim 21 Avr - 2:02

Je suis en crise de jeux depuis 1 mois.....
J'ai shira oka moui mais....ras le bol de retourner N fois dans le passé pour que le protagoniste puisse acquérir de l'expérience....
Je tente alors ce jeu, merci

Si vous connaissez des jeux qui ressemblent à shira oka( ou un bon rpg/vn) hésitez pas à m'en faire part, je vous remercie d'avance.

EDIT : dead links, je vais voir autre chose sinon googler ce jeu même.
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Otaku du Dimanche

Nombre de messages : 1593
Age : 28
Localisation : Ligne d'univers - 1.048596
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2011

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeDim 21 Avr - 5:54

Derniers liens à changer ! Wouhou ! J'te promet que la prochaine fois si tu ne préviens pas des liens morts dans LE SATANE TOPIC je te tape !

Liens changés mais pas de torrent cette fois-ci.
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 15
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2013

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév - 8:08

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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2015

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Fév - 12:11

ça a l'air bien, je prends merci
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Mad Newbie

Nombre de messages : 23
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2012

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mar - 20:02

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Contenu sponsorisé

[PC] Soul Link [ENG] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [PC] Soul Link [ENG]   [PC] Soul Link [ENG] Icon_minitime

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[PC] Soul Link [ENG]
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